A Day-in-the Life: Two Indonesian Women Manage Fish, Finances and Their Futures
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Dowry is rarely practiced in Indonesian culture, yet bride price is practiced by certain ethnic groups. The price paid is based on the education, career, beauty, social and economic strata, or noble background of the bride.

Cowater International is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request. These genes showed a clear similarity between the Indonesian and Madagascar genomes.

Our findings underscore the needs for optimizing existing facilities and infrastructure in the rural area to provide comprehensive knowledge about HIV base on the local needs. Furthermore, policy maker need to design a wide health education program targeted to women who were uneducated, poor, unmarried and lived in rural area using an innovative strategy. This study found Indonesian women residing in urban areas had 1.62 times great knowledgeable level than rural counterparts. In Indonesia access to media sources, both electronic and written materials, often is limited or perhaps even inaccessible in many more remote and rural areas24. Another study in Indonesia emphasized that people who lived in the rural area more prefer to rely on cultural https://asian-date.net/eastern-asia/indonesian-women traditions and beliefs about health, sexual activity, and reproduction. Moreover, community leaders often view HIV as a “curse” for the individual, family and even the community25. President Joko Widodo made gender equality a cornerstone of his agenda during his presidency and is currently a global ambassador for the #HeForShe campaign making it his mission to fill his cabinet with strong, smart and capable women.

The Defendant broke into the victim’s house and forced the victim to have sexual intercourse with the Defendant. The charge is regulated and punishable by Article 285 of the Indonesian Penal Code dated 19 May 1999. The court found the Defendant guilty and sentenced the Defendant to imprisonment for six years and six months. Western influence during humanitarian relief and disaster recovery, too, shaped how women were seen as victims not change-makers. That’s probably not going to change for a long time, but within this social structure, I hope that rights are afforded to minority groups within a socially-accepted framework. But there is a lot of tension between the president and his vice-president, Ma’ruf Amin, who is the leader of the Islamic Council and is responsible for a number of the groups advocating against this legislation. The second bill is about the protection of domestic workers because there are an extraordinary number of domestic workers, who are often women, that are unrecognized in the labour market.

  • Many conservative Muslim groups advocated the introduction of mandatory hijab rules in Indonesia, starting from conservative provinces like West Java, West Sumatra, and Aceh, using the regional autonomy drive in, post-Suharto Indonesia, to win political support for the measures.
  • Article 297 prohibits trafficking in woman and boys, which carries a maximum sentence of six years imprisonment.
  • He continued to pressure me to use a jilbab photo, writing via WhatsApp, but I declined.

Separated by nearly 70 miles of western South Pacific Ocean, these two women have never met—yet they live parallel lives. The 2012 IDHS obtained ethical permission from the National Institute of Health Research and Development, Indonesian Ministry of Health.

The challenge for effective gender mainstreaming, however, is the political will to translate the approach into well-resourced programmes from one province to another. In January 2021, at SMKN2 state high school in Padang, after a video on jilbab went viral and a school inspector visited, the school stopped pressuring Christian students to wear the mandatory jilbab and long-sleeve shirts. The video, uploaded on Facebook, was made by the father of a girl who attended the school. Human Rights Watch interviewed more than 100 women who have experienced abuse and often long-term consequences for refusing to wear the jilbab. Human Rights Watch collected the text of the regulations and included them as an annex to a 2021 report. South Sulawesi province authorities adopted the latest decree in August 2021. Nonetheless, the economy now seems to be improving (high GDP growth in 2012 as high as 6.2%) and some programs had been done by the government to help promote the health and welfare of women and children.

Domestic Case Law

However, traditionally, those recognized as ulama have primarily tended to be men. This conference will gather academics, teachers, researchers, and graduate students who are involved in or have conducted research about the empowerment of women in contemporary Indonesia. It aims to highlight research and work that analyze the various socioeconomic, religious, or legislative changes that have advanced or hindered the empowerment of women in Indonesia in recent decades. The conference will not only discuss the progress that have been made, but also the challenges that the country continues to face. This is not simply a matter of filling seats in the cabinet with women – such as the wives and sisters of male politicians – because it’s required by law. But, rather, there are some incredible female political figures who are there because they are strong, smart and capable. This means there is the intention to ensure infrastructure, health and education outcomes include results that address specific gender equality gaps.

Women's rights

I was the only Muslim student who did not wear the jilbab at the school. There were Christian students, the number was small, fewer than 10 people in the school, and none of them wore headscarves. I finally took off my jilbab, very slowly, like stages of therapy, by switching to a scarf and kebaya, traditional dress, or a regular dress to recall the memories of the 1980s. I enjoy having debates, but if I am bullied or ridiculed, I try to be patient. Religious fanaticism has various forms as well as layers and by wearing the mandatory jilbab, we are exposed .

To find out how long ago and how many Indonesian settlers there when the island's population was founded, the team ran various computer simulations that started out with different founding populations at different times until the results matched their real-life data. The researchers found that the island was most likely settled by a small population of about 30 women, who arrived in Madagascar around 1,200 years ago. Ninety-three percent of these women were Indonesian, and the other 7 percent were African. Nurlini and Rosmiati are coastal fish sellers and small-business owners in Indonesia’s Southeast Sulawesi province.

The court found that the defendant performed an illegal abortion because the woman did not have a prior examination from a counselor and defendant did not have a certificate endorsed by the minister. The court sentenced the defendant to 10 months imprisonment and a fine of Rp. Study findings underscore the lack of knowledge-level among Indonesian women about HIV, especially the prevention, transmission, and prevention mother to child transmission . Women are a highly vulnerable population for HIV-infection, influenced by biological, cultural, social and economic factors. Inadequate knowledge about the risk for exposure to HIV will impact the prevention and treatment of HIV.

Article 297 prohibits trafficking in woman and boys, which carries a maximum sentence of six years imprisonment. Article 299 imposes a four-year maximum sentence for abortion and provides for a one-third increase in sentencing for professionals (e.g., doctor, midwife) who perform abortions. These findings highlight inequality in infrastructure development to help people easily able to access information. Women with more formal education also had a higher HIV knowledge level. However, the majority of Indonesian women have completed less than a secondary level of education.

A Day-in-the Life: Two Indonesian Women Manage Fish, Finances and Their Futures
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