Apple has told the judges that it is impossible to unlock new iPhones. But Apple can help user to unlock those old iDevice. The company has the "technical ability" to help law enforcement unlock older phones, according to Reuters.
Apple told U.S. Magistrate Judge James Orenstein it could access the 10 percent of its devices that continue to use older systems, including the one at issue in the case. But it urged the judge to not require it to comply with the Justice Department's request.
"Forcing Apple to extract data in this case, absent clear legal authority to do so, could threaten the trust between Apple and its customers and substantially tarnish the Apple brand," Apple's lawyers wrote.
Earlier this month, Orenstein expressed skepticism about whether he could require Apple to disable security on the iPhone, citing Congress' failure to act on the issue of encryption despite the urging of the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Orenstein deferred ruling until Apple could had a chance to say if it was technically feasible and, if so, whether compliance with the proposed order would be unduly burdensome." A hearing is expected on Friday.
The case is In re Order requiring Apple, Inc to assist in the execution of a search warrant issued by the court, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York, No. 15-mc-01902.
So, if you are using iPhone 6s or newer iDevice, you'd better remember the passccode you've set. Otherwise, you will be unable to use it forever.