The big events and activities about our products and our team.

  • Useful Tips for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users

    Useful Tips for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users

    Jun 19, 2015 12:28 am | Posted by dancy | Category: News.

    The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus are fantastic devices, but they are not faultless gadget. Here are our handy tips and tricks for smoothing your experience with either device in terms of security, privacy, accessibility and customization. Tips 1: Setup Touch ID and a strong password When you’re setting up the iPhone 6 it will […]

  • Apple Proactive Assistant, Will it win Google Now by giving high priority to privacy?

    Apple Proactive Assistant, Will it win Google Now by giving high priority to privacy?

    Jun 12, 2015 12:42 am | Posted by dancy | Category: News.

    Apple announced Proactive Assistant on WWDC 2015 this Monday Morning, which is Google Now’s big competitor and updates to Siri, which will launch with iOS 9. The proactive assistant is a mix of Google Now and similar tools that aim to make the user’s life easier by trying to infer what they may want to […]

  • Apple Music VS Spotify: Who will win?

    Apple Music VS Spotify: Who will win?

    Jun 11, 2015 02:52 am | Posted by dancy | Category: News.

    Apple showed off a new streaming-music service that will give users access to an inventory of songs for $9.99 a month, seeking to regain ground against upstarts that have lured listeners by offering unlimited access to music. Since it will debut for everyone on June 30 and while it’s still early days, it means that […]

  • Features and products announced on WWDC 2015 that targeting competitors

    Features and products announced on WWDC 2015 that targeting competitors

    Jun 10, 2015 02:28 am | Posted by dancy | Category: News.

    It is said that imitation is the most direct and ultimate way to beat competitors. According to the list of announced news features and products this Monday morning, a lot of the releases resemble a lot the features and products of rivals, especially Google. Here we would like to see what competitors Apple is targeting […]

  • Apple’s iOS 9 and the Highlights of new features

    Apple’s iOS 9 and the Highlights of new features

    Jun 09, 2015 02:07 am | Posted by dancy | Category: News.

    It has been a tradition to announce a new version of iOS at WWDC for Apple. As Federighi, senior vice president of software engineering said, iOS 9 is going to bring proactivity throughout the system, meaning your iPhone plans to get to know you a lot better, for example, learning to load up on music […]

  • What should we expect from Apple’s WWDC?

    What should we expect from Apple’s WWDC?

    Jun 08, 2015 06:16 am | Posted by dancy | Category: News.

    As announced on April 14, the 2015 version of WWDC will take place June 8–12 at the conference’s usual home at Moscone West in San Francisco. Traditionally, it will start with a keynote which will unveil new software or hardware by Apple on 10 am Pacific Time this Monday. Then, what should we expect from […]

  • Options to get your iPhone Voice Memos off your iPhone to Mac

    Options to get your iPhone Voice Memos off your iPhone to Mac

    Jun 04, 2015 12:55 am | Posted by dancy | Category: News.

    Nowadays we use voice memos for various tasks including recording notes for work, making voice record when you’re attending a lecture or conducting an interview, or recoding a quickie reminder about something or recoding short song sketches or covers. If you don’t want to keep all the voice memos on your iPhone for it takes […]

  • iFonebox special offer for children's day is available!

    iFonebox special offer for children's day is available!

    May 26, 2015 07:52 am | Posted by dancy | Category: News.

    Have you ever started to think about how to celebrate children’s day with your sweetheart, as children’s day is just around the corner? One thing I am sure is that iPhone is indispensable tool to record the precious moments. As iPhone had become the most popular mobile phone around the globe, more and more children […]

  • Tips about deleting iPhone messages permanently

    Tips about deleting iPhone messages permanently

    May 20, 2015 12:00 am | Posted by dancy | Category: News.

    When we decide to delete the messages on our messages, we mostly mean delete them permanently. Frustration overwhelms you when you find out that deleted messages pops up from time to time. You choose to delete something because you don’t want share it with anyone else or you just want to keep your messages app […]

  • iFonebox special offer for Mother’s Day

    iFonebox special offer for Mother’s Day

    Apr 27, 2015 02:24 am | Posted by dancy | Category: News.

    There are only a couple of weeks away from Mother’s Day 2015, so what is your plan about how to celebrate this sacred day with your Mother? I believe the best gift for Mom is to help her enjoy life without unnecessary worries. Have you ever heard about your Mother complaining about losing important data […]