If you have deleted some of you messages before you realize that these messages contain important information, you might panic at the loss. Important information including client phone number, address for an important meeting, bank account to which you need to do a transfer, and assignment from your children’s teacher etc may be included in […]
If you have been using Android phone for quite a long time and are planning to change for iPhone, you need know well how to transfer important information from your original Android phone to iPhone. Actually, transferring contacts, photos and other important data to iPhone from Android phone is not as difficult as you may […]
Notes, is an application comes pre-installed with every iOS devices including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, it is very easy to use and the layout is simple and clean. If you use Notes with high frequency every day it is necessary to dive deeper into the app and really going after its potential. Many users […]
If you have unfortunately left your valued iPhone 6 Plus within reach of a toddler, you might tragically to find your iPhone in toilet because your toddler may think it a good idea to bath your treasured smart phone which you keep it handy all the time. Or it is yourself to blame because of […]
Every time Apple claims an update with bugs being smoothed out, there will be new bugs coming forth. The Bluetooth problem, actually is not a new problem, it has been plaguing iOS users since the iOS 8 was rolled out back September 2014. This post is going to dive into the problem and offer some […]
Love it or hate it, chances are you’re not only using iTunes to manage your digital media but also using Apple’s decade-old software either because it’s the gateway into your iOS device, such as an iPhone, iPad, or iPod, as it does a pretty decent job of backing up all your music, photos, videos, and […]
If the iTunes neither recognizes the device you connect to your Mac, nor show the icon for your device, it may be caused by the following reasons. Before we get down to the specific reasons, you need to know where to locate your devices. And one thing you need to keep in mind is that […]
When you try to back up your iPhone with iTunes and only get a message reads that the backup could not be saved. That frustrates much, and almost drives you mad when try and try again but keeps getting this frustrating message. Here we are going to dive into this annoying problem and try to […]
Have you been bothering preventing your messages being peeped or shared without your authorization? This article is going to talk about some ways to shoot this trouble. Turn Off “Show Preview” Fed up with annoying Dad, Mom, Sister, Brother, Best friends from accidentally reading or deliberately peeping your incoming SMS alerts? Here is the simple […]
Apple finally took the curtain down from around its impressive iOS 8.3 update and it has been available for iOS 8 users around the globe. You can learn about the changes and features from Apple’s website. Are you still straddling the fence about whether to update your iPhone 6 Plus to iOS 8.3? You need […]