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How to find lost group chat in WeChat app from iPhone? How to retrieve lost wechat group messages on iPhone? Read here to get back missing group wechat messages from iPhone.

How to find lost group chat in WeChat app from iPhone?
2 votes, 3.00 avg. rating (61% score)
find lost group chat in WeChat app from iPhone
I need help. How can I retrieve previous lost wechat group messages from iPhone? I deleted them accidentally and now, I want to find them. Please help me. Thanks very much. iPhone 7, iOS 10.2.1

In a word, how to find lost group chat in WeChat app from iPhone? Usually, we will add our mutual friends into a group so that we can chat with them conveniently. But accidents always happen for it is quite easy to delete group chat messages from iPhone. Thus, is there any way to recover wechat missing group messages from iPhone? How to do that? Please let iFonebox help you. So what is iFonebox?

As is known that iFonebox is a professional iPhone wechat data recovery tool which supports to recover deleted WeChat messages, group chat messages from iPhone or iPad, WeChat contacts included.  Also, it is a great helper to extract and restore lost data from iPhone backup selectively if you have one, data included wechat, whatsapp, notes, photos, voice memos, etc. Here, I will mainly show you how to retrieve missing WeChat group messages from iPhone with iFonebox in detailed steps.

Before that, it is necessary to download and install iFonebox on your computer ahead. There are two versions accessible: Windows version and Mac version. Just choose one to install according to your computer running system.

How to find lost group chat in wechat app from iPhone?

--Launch iFonebox. Choose Recover from iOS Device mode. Please connect your iPhone or iPad to the computer so as to scan WeChat messages from it. Click Start button to begin.
mode one
--Scan WeChat messages from iPhone. Click on WeChat messages to scan. step two

--Preview and choose deleted WeChat group messages to recover. After automatic scanning, you have the chance to browse those found WeChat messages and then, select what you need to recover. ifonebox-WeChat-messages

  • If you have an iTunes or iCloud backup for your WeChat messages, you can also choose Recover from iTunes Backup or Recover from iCloud Backup mode to find your lost WeChat messages via iFonebox.
  • Once you find some data like WeChat messages in your iDevice are deleted, remember to go to Settings and then, turn on Airplane mode, or you can power off your iDevice directly, just in case of more data being wiped and overwritten by new added data.
How to find lost group chat in WeChat app from iPhone?
2 votes, 3.00 avg. rating (61% score)

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