Have you met iFonebox Crash Problem?
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Since the release of iFonebox, it has been a long time that we did not receive the crash problem from our customers. However, after released the first edition of last week, we had received 3 customers that report the crash problem to us.;
When I received the first customer’s e-mail about the crash, I was aware that maybe something wrong with our software as there is no customers reflected the problem of crash for a long time. Then I reflected the problem to our manager and programmers. We began to test the latest version carefully at our side again, while waiting for the files of the customer.

It is lucky that we succeed recreating the bug of the crash. It takes almost 2 days for our programmers to repair the crash bug. Now the edition in the website is the second version of We welcome all the iFonebox users help us test it and let us know whether the crash happened again. Any feedback would be appreciate it so much.

PS: If you meet the problem of crash, please follow below steps to find the files we need and send them to ifonebox@auntec.com as well as the details about your problem, like when did the crash happen; any error messages when the crash happened, etc.

Note: Once the crash happened, please make the backup of your device in iTunes as soon as possible (if you choose “Recover From iOS Device” as the recovery mode), because we may need you provide some source files for analysis.

For Windows users:

Just input %appdata% in the “Run” option;
run appdata
Then it will bring you to a folder, please find ifonebox folder and open it, please send all the files in ifonebox folder to us.

For Mac users:

Click the “Go” on the interface and choose “Go to Folder”, input ~/Library and click Go;
Then it will bring you to a folder, find Application Support folder, open it and find ifonebox folder, please send all the file in the ifonebox folder.
Have you met iFonebox Crash Problem?
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