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How to migrate photos in WeChat from iPhone 6 to computer? How to transfer photos in WeChat from iPhone 6 to computer? How to save photos in WeChat from iPhone 6 to computer?

How do I migrate photos in WeChat from iPhone 6 to computer conveniently?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)
transfer photos in WeChat from iPhone 6 to computer conveniently
We’re always pursuing convenient and time-saving way to transfer our valuable data for saving or reediting purpose. iFonebox is an all-inclusive data recovery software as well as an irreplaceable transferring tool for iPhone, iPad and iPod devices, which is definitely help you migrate photos in WeChat from iPhone 6 to computer conveniently.

iFonebox is able to transfer as many sixteen kinds of data on your device. It enables iOS owners to download numbers from three advanced working modes to ensure successful data transferring. Assume that your iPhone was damaged by the liquid or external force, and unable to be accessed any more. Don’t be panic, with iFonebox, you’re able to preview and save the data from an available backup easily.

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In addition to transfer photos in WeChat from iPhone 6 to computer, iFonebox is excellent in retrieving as many sixteen kinds of data loss in various scenarios. What would you do to recover missing videos if you erase the iPhone completely?  Is there any way to get back only deleted contacts on iPhone 7 if no backup? The answer is certainly Yes if you turn to iFonebox for help.

Besides, you can totally trust iFonebox to save your photos in WeChat from iPhone 6 to computer. The application itself is able to detect and extract data in a reliable and safe way. Besides, to protect your privacy, once you close the program, all scanned data will disappear and you have to download and scan again the next time you start the program.

iFonebox is fully compatible with Win and Mac, iTunes and iOS 6 or higher system, you’re able to install the program from official website or here, just make sure to download the right version for your computer.

Step one: Run iFonebox

Connect your iPhone with the computer via included USB cable, launch iFonebox, you’ll be asked to Trust your computer if this is your first time to use this program. Then you’ll see a bold Start, click it and move to step to stage.
Recover from ios device
Step Two: Analyze the data

You need to click WeChat Attachments icon to start scanning, and it will show you a rotating circle, please wait in this step.
Mode one interface
Step Three: Preview and Search

After the scan completes, you’ll find all your WeChat photos, you can also choose recover them to PC if you want.
How do I migrate photos in WeChat from iPhone 6 to computer conveniently?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)

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