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Backing your iPhone data before updating to iOS 9 is the most important thing in regard of data security. iPhone data can be backed up to Windows computer wit the free iPhone backing up tool iFoneBackup.

How to back up iPhone before the iOS 9 update on Windows computer?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

back up iPhone before the iOS 9 update on Windows computer Love it or hate is, iOS 9 is coming on September 16th, no more than 48 hours away. Baking up your iPhone to your Windows computer before updating to iOS 9 is always the firs thing to do, much often than not, it is also the foremost thing, Probably, there won’t be any data loss at all, but no one can assure you that it will never happen as software glitches has never been rare. And the more you value your iPhone data, the more it is worth to secure your iPhone data by backing up to compute to your Window computer before the iOS 9 update.

Syncing your iPhone to iTunes to produce iTunes backup file on your computer is always the first choice for backing up your iPhone data before iOS 9 update in case of accidental data loss. In spite of its complicate backing up mechanism, backing up with iTunes gives a peace mind that your iPhone data is protected once something goes wrong during the iOS 9 updating and causes data missing.

Surprisingly, there is a piece of free software, iFoneBackup, can back up all your iPhone data to your Windows computer before the iOS 9 update just with a single click. Thus it is claimed to be the easiest iPhone backing up tool around the world.

It backs up everything on your iPhone just as iTunes does and the backup file created with iFoneBackup can also be used to restore your iPhone just like what you can do with iTunes backup file.

In this way, there is no need to worry about the conditions such as iTunes does not work properly, or iTunes backup file is damaged. In terms of backing up iPhone data, it can be a perfect alternative to iTunes.

One click to backup your iPhone to your Windows computer completely for free! Now let’s get down to the detailed steps about how to back up your iPhone data before the iOS 9 update to your Windows computer.

Step 1: Install iFoneBackup

Download the full version of iFoneBackup for Windows for free and install it to your computer. Get it started after the installation. back_up_iphone

Note: iFoneBackup is supposed to be available for both Windows and Mac, and the Mac version is not available now but will be coming soon.If you want to back up your iPhone to Mac computer, please refer to the guide about how to back up iPhone to Mac.

Step 2: Connect iPhone

Connect your iPhone to your Window computer. If you iPhone cannot be recognized and the “Back Up Now” button does not pop up, please check whether your iPhone is still passcode locked or you haven’t confirmed “Trust this computer”. Click “Back Up Now” after your iPhone is recognized. one-click-backup

Step 3: Back Up

Wait till the backing up finishes. The time for finishing the backing up depends on how much data you have saved on your iPhone.

back_up_iphone_ifonebackup_process Note: Please make sure that there is enough storage space available for saving all your iPhone data before starting the backing up.
How to back up iPhone before the iOS 9 update on Windows computer?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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