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How to download iCloud backup selectively to PC? How to export iCloud backup selectively to PC? How to transfer iCloud backup selectively to PC?

How to download iCloud backup selectively to PC?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)
export icloud backup selectively to pc
We are always recommended to backup our device regularly to iTunes or iCloud because data loss can happen anytime, which would cause great inconvenience to us. As we all know, we can get 5GB free iCloud storage space, but we’re not allowed to access detailed backup files unless restoring our iPhone from it. As a result, all current data we have would be wipe out completely, that’s disappointing. Is there any chance to download iCloud backup selectively to PC? Absolutely YES, all you need is a professional iCloud backup extractor named iFonebox.

What is iFonebox?

As a professional and reliable iOS data recovery software, iFonebox is developed to help users recover deleted files and data on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. And it also can be used as an iCloud and iTunes backup extractor to extract anything you want from iCloud or iTunes backup.

Why iFonebox is the best choice to export iCloud backup selectively to PC?
  • Flexible Recovery: Three advanced recovery mode
  • Safe Recovery: Existing data will not be overwritten
  • Compatible with a large range of devices and iOS system
  • Preview Available: Verify data in detail before recovery
  • Ease of Use: Intuitive user interface and well organized
  • 100% Security: Protect your privacy definitely

Additional Features of iFonebox

With advanced data detraction ability, iFonebox plays a great role in transferring iCloud backup selectively to PC. Aside from that, you can also have a great high possibility that get deleted data back even if you’ve never created any backup before. It should be noted that, to maximize the possibility to get your lost data backup, you’d better stop using iPhone as possible, because lost data was easily overwritten by the newly ones randomly.

Also Read: Why deleted data can be recovered?

Before the instruction, you need download the program from our official website, or you’re able to access the tool below. iFonebox is fully compatible with Win and Mac, iTunes and iOS 6 or higher system, including the latest iOS 12. The interface of iFonebox is visualized, vivid and legible for users to understand and implement, which certainly satisfy all kinds of requirements.

Step one: Run iFonebox and Sign in with your Apple ID

Turn on the iFonebox after completing the download, then just click the Recover from iCloud Backup at the upper-right corner of the interface. You’ll be asked to sign in with your Apple ID account and password correctly.
Recover from icloud2
Step Two: Scan the data

Click specific item to start scanning automatically. Please wait in this stage patiently and the duration depends on the amount your device have.
Mode one interface
Step Three: Check and recover

It’s time to get your missing data back, all you need is select the information you want and click the Recover to PC or device directly, then the task is accomplished.
How to download iCloud backup selectively to PC?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)

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