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How to get missing data back selectively from iCloud backup? How to restore specific lost data from iCloud backup? How to retrieve disappeared info from iCloud backup?

How to get missing data back selectively from iCloud backup?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)
I want to restore iPhone from iCloud backup, but whatever one I pick, error message “cannot restore from iCloud backup” always come up. Anybody ever had this experience? Any suggestion would be appreciated! Thanks!

To tell the truth, data loss is a very common problem and most of the iOS users suffer from this. It can happen because of multiple reasons. Like a failed iOS 12 update, accidental deletion, virus attack, iPhone liquid damaged, etc. It hurts and this is why Apple recommends to backup data regularly for safety issues. When you’re trying to get missing data from iCloud backup, you may think that a full restore is your only option but you’re wrong. Actually, you can reach for help with a professional and reliable third-party tool like iFonebox. It’s designed to help you recover almost all file types like contacts, notes, messages, photos, videos, vice memos, safari bookmarks, call records, reminders, calendar events, WeChat data, WhatsApp data and so on.

Take a brief look at its main features:

It has two available versions: Windows version and Mac version, please make sure to download and install the correct version for your computer. Then you can follow the next steps to back up your device easily.
Step one: Run iFonebox and enter your Apple ID

Run the program, then just click the “Recover from iCloud Backup” at the top right of the software. You’ll be asked to sign in with your Apple ID account and password correctly.
Recover from icloud2
Step two: Download data from iCloud backup

After you have selected an iCloud backup to download, it will start the downloading process. You can select all to download.
Recover from icloud3
Step three: Scan data

Click on “Photos” icon to start scanning automatically. It will take some time, you should wait patiently.
iCloud 600 3
Step four: Preview and download data

Now you can select the images you want and click “Recover to pc”, then the instruction is accomplished.
How to get missing data back selectively from iCloud backup?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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