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How to recover data from iCloud backup without restoring? How to download content from iCloud backup without losing anything? How to extract files from iCloud backup effectively?

How to recover data from iCloud backup without restoring?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)
I have old photos that I want to retrieve and/or edit or delete, but I can't figure out how to see the photos that I've stored on iCloud. Help!


Normally, most iOS users look for ways to recover data from iCloud backup as they want to:
  • Retrieve deleted/lost iPhone, iPad, iPod touch data
  • Transfer files from an old backup to the new device
  • See what is stored in the backup

As we all known, performing a backup via iCloud is easy and it allows you to have assured protection. However, once we backed up iOS data to iCloud server, you can never retrieve data from it or view what you had backed up unless you plan to restore your iPhone iPad or iPod touch with the backup file. Actually, all you need is a professional iOS backup extractor. There are many tools of this type in the market and iFonebox stands out in terms of recovery rate from all its competitors.

It is able to help you download content from iCloud backup as well as many other data without changing anything, like contacts, notes, messages, iMessages, photos, videos, voice memos, Internet browsing history, call records, reminders, WeChat data, WhatsApp data and many more. Below we list the possible reasons and explains why iFonebox can do that:

iFonebox has two available versions: Windows version and Mac version. Please make sure to install the right version for your computer. Once you have installed the program, next I will show you how to extract files from iCloud backup effectively.

Step one: Run iFonebox and enter your Apple ID

Run the program, then just click the “Recover from iCloud Backup” at the top right of the software. You’ll be asked to sign in with your Apple ID account and password correctly.
Recover from iCloud1
Step two: Download data from iCloud backup

After you have selected an iCloud backup to download, it will start the downloading process. You can select all to download.
Recover from icloud3
Step three: Scan data

Click on “Photos” icon to start scanning automatically. It will take some time, you should wait patiently.
iCloud 600 3
Step four: Preview and download data

Now you can select the images you want and click “Recover to pc”, then the instruction is accomplished.
How to recover data from iCloud backup without restoring?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)

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