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With iFonebox, you can recover deleted messages selectively from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch without worry about data overriding at all.

How to recover deleted messages selectively with iFonebox on Windows?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)
recover deleted messages selectively with iFonebox on Windows
As we all know that Apple provide iTunes and iCloud for users to sync or back up information on their iOS including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch in case of data loss or deletion by mistake. Every time you find you have lost certain data or deleted important files unconsciously, you can use choose to restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch from iTunes/iCloud backup file. However, restoring your device in this way is risky, because the backup file will overwrite everything presently on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. In this way, data that is overwritten will be erased for good and there is no way to get them back.

Is there any way, you may wonder, to recover certain data like deleted messages selectively directly from iPhone or iPad? The answer is definitely yes!

There is a third party application named iFonebox which can recover Contacts, Notes, Reminders, Voice Memos, Messages and Photos etc from iOS devices including iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch as well as from iTunes/iCloud backup file. With this iFonebox, you can recover whatever kind of data selectively as you need.

You can download a free trial to have a try and you need to pay for the full version if you want to recover the deleted messages. And this article is going to take the windows version if iFonebox for demonstration.

Step 1: Connect your iPhone or iPad to computer and run the full version of iFonebox after the installation, Click the bottom button of “Start” to choose “Recover from iOS devices. mode one

Step 2: Choose Messages to recover by clicking the icon for Messages. step two

Step 3: Preview and recover the messages to your computer. savelostmessages8.2updateicon

There is one thing we need to admit that iFonebox can only recover your deleted messages to your computer rather than recovering them to your devices like iTunes/iCloud can do. So each solution is attributed both with disadvantages and advantages and you can choose one which benefits you the most.
How to recover deleted messages selectively with iFonebox on Windows?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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