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How to Recover Deleted Previous Contacts folder from iPhone
3 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (91% score)
Recover Deleted Previous Contacts folder from iPhone
“I accidentally deleted my previous contacts folder from my iPhone4S. The folder marked as contacts of former employer, but these include all my other contacts as well. I was unable to copy the contacts in the folder to the cloud. I am wondering is there a possible way to recover deleted previous contacts folder?”

Delete previous contacts on your iPhone may be one of the scariest things that can. Want to recover deleted contacts on your iPhone? Things have become relatively easy with iFonebox (Win/Mac). Both of the software could restore deleted iPhone contacts happen either from scanning iPhone or iTunes Backup. Free download it to extract and recover deleted previous contacts folder on your iPhone.

Follow below steps to make it simply to recover iPhone deleted contacts with iFonebox. If you are a Mac user, just download the Mac version of iFonebox and the steps are similar.

Directly Scan and Recover Deleted Contacts from iPhone

Step 1: Connect your iPhone and choose Recovery Mode

Download the iPhone Contacts Recovery tool on your computer, install it and run it to start recovering your deleted contacts on your iPhone. You will be asked to connect your iPhone to the computer via USB cable. When it is connected, you will see the main interface as follows, just click “Recover from iOS Device” as the recovery mode.

mode one
Tip: If you have backed up your data to iTunes before you lose them, this powerful iPhone Contacts Recovery tool could help you to get them back with “Recover from iTunes Backup”.

Step 2: Preview and Recover Deleted iPhone Contacts

When the scanning progress finished, you can preview them one by one before recovering. Choose “Contacts” to preview, mark down the data that you want to get back to your computer, and then click “Recover” to extract all that you want. ifonebox-contacts-recovery

Tip: If you just want to recover the deleted contacts on your iPhone, check “Only display the deleted items” option on the interface and then you could just recover the deleted contacts on your iPhone.
How to Recover Deleted Previous Contacts folder from iPhone
3 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (91% score)

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