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How to recover photos from iTunes backup? How to download pictures from iTunes backup? How to extract images form iTunes backup?

How to recover photos from iTunes backup?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)
retrieve iphone contacts after an update to ios 12 beta 6
I accidently deleted all my iPhone photos, can I get them back through iTunes? If so, how? I want to know how to restore my pictures. Please! Somebody save me!

There are a lot of posts like this in apple community forum from iPhone iOS users about how to recover photos from iTunes backup. One person said that he deleted all the photos in his iPhone by mistake and he was very sorry about that, but he didn't know how to recover them. Some other users complaint that they had no access to their photo files after updating. Even worse, someone said their iPhone devices were stolen and they were in badly need of the methods to get their photos back. Here I will introduce a useful software to help the pitiful people.

iFonebox is a multifunctional and advanced tool for iPhone users to download pictures from iTunes backup without a fully restore, it is skilled in recovering up to 17 file types like contacts, notes, messages/iMessages, safari bookmarks, phone numbers, videos, voice memos, events from calendar, reminders, WeChat data, WhatsApp data, etc. Below are some of its highly useful features:
  • It has three powerful working modes: recover form iOS device, recover form iTunes backup, recover from iCloud backup
  • The preview function: it enables you to view all the recoverable data before the recovery progress
  • Compatibility: it works well with a large variety of iOS devices running different iOS versions, including iPhone X and iOS 12 beta 11
  • Easy to use: the progress can be done in a while
  • Selectively recovery: you can choose data to retrieve instead of restoring the whole backup

Most people tend to get regretful deleting messages or other important data on impulse or erasing them by accident. Don’t be panic. With the help of iFonebox, you still have chance to scan and retrieve your lost data from iPhone directly even if you don’t have a backup. It’s fully compatible with both Windows and Mac systems. It’s necessary for you to download the suitable version for your computer. Next we will show you the detailed instructions to extract images form iTunes backup.

Step one: Launch iFonebox

Click Recover from iTunes Backup File, you’ll see all backups you have listed in the interface, choose the right backup, then click "Select" button to begin.
Recover from itunes backup
Step two: Scan data

It will scan automatically after you click the “Photos” icon, it might take your some time, please wait patiently.
iTunes 2
Step three: Recover data

Now you can recover the data you want from backup. Choose the items you want to restore and click the “Recover to pc”.
How to recover photos from iTunes backup?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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