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How to recover WhatsApp messages from iCloud backup without reset? How to retrieve WhatsApp messages from iCloud backup without changing anything? How to get WhatsApp messages back without any data loss?

How to recover WhatsApp messages from iCloud backup without reset?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)
My iPhone 8 broke at the beginning of the year but my photos were always backed up to iCloud. How do I access my iCloud to recover my pictures? Can someone help me? Thanks in advance!

 Above given question is often posted in various different forums across the internet. WhatsApp has quickly become the prime means of communication, most important information and interesting texts are exchanged over this medium. I'm sure most of us can understand the anxiety that takes over when we accidentally delete/lost some really important photos. Losing them can be quite a pain! If you synced your device to iCloud before, it’s easy to get iCloud data back by restoring the entire backup. But here I’m going to share you an efficient way to recover WhatsApp messages from iCloud backup without reset.

As a specialized iOS backup extractor, it’s aimed to help you deal with as many as 17 file types such as contacts, notes, text messages, photos, videos, voice memos, safari history, events in calendar, reminders, Wechat data, WhatsApp data and many more. Here we list some of its main features to help you know more about the program:
  • Three excellent working modes: recover from iOS device, recover from iTunes backup, recover from iCloud backup
  • It’s quite easy to use and totally safe
  • You are allowed to download the free trial version to read texts backed up on iCloud
  • Selectively recovery without losing any existing data on your device
  • It works for a large arrange of iOS devices and iOS operating systems, including iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone XS Max
Before we start the instructions, you need to download the program to your computer. iFonebox has two available versions: Windows version and Mac version. Please make sure to install the right version for your computer. Once you have installed the program, next I will show you how to get WhatsApp messages back without any data loss.

Step one: Run iFonebox and enter your Apple ID

Run the program, then just click the “Recover from iCloud Backup” at the top right of the software. You’ll be asked to sign in with your Apple ID account and password correctly.
Recover from iCloud1
Step two: Download data from iCloud backup

After you have selected an iCloud backup to download, it will start the downloading process. You can select all to download.
Recover from icloud3
Step three: Scan data

Click on “WhatsApp Messages” icon to start scanning automatically. It will take some time, you should wait patiently.
iCloud 600 3
Step four: Preview and download data

Now you can select the messages you want and click “Recover to pc”, then the instruction is accomplished.
How to recover WhatsApp messages from iCloud backup without reset?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)

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