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How to restore deleted iMessages from iPhone without a backup? How to retrieve missing iMessages from iPhone if no backup? How to get lost iPhone messages back if you never backed it up?

How to restore deleted iMessages from iPhone without a backup?
2 votes, 4.00 avg. rating (74% score)
With iMessage apps, you can collaborate with others in a conversation, decorate messages with stickers, share a song, and more. However, accidentally deleting iMessages can happen sometime. If you backed up your device to iTunes or iCloud before, it’s pretty easy to regain them by restoring that backup. But here comes the problem: Is it possible to restore deleted iMessages from iPhone without a backup? Do you feel like you are facing a seemingly impossible task? The answer is no. Here’s an efficient way for you to retrieve missing iMessages by using iFonebox.

iFonebox can help you to deal with as many as 17 file types, including safari bookmarks, contacts, photos, voice memos, texts, call history, videos, WeChat messages, WhatsApp messages, reminders, calendar events, ect. With iFonebox, you have the chance to restore the missing texts as long as they haven’t been wiped out. To avoid overwriting the missing data, you should enable the flight mode and stop using the device as quick as possible because they would easily wiped out by newly ones.

And if you’ve backed up your device before, you can also view the detailed information from the backup through the help of iFonebox. Moreover, it enables you to selectively recover the data from your backup without restoring the whole backup and all the existing data on you iPhone will not be wiped out. Sounds cool, right?

Here we are going to tell you the detailed ways to get lost iPhone messages back if you never backed it up. Whether your iPhone is iOS 12, or any other iOS systems, the program can be your ideal tool to do this job. The program works well both on Windows and Mac, please make sure to download and install the right version.

Step one: Launch iFonebox
Connect your iPhone to the computer, in this interface, you'll see “Next” in blue area, click it to continue. It’s necessary to enable the flight mode and keep the USB cable connected stable during the progress. Recover from ios device

Step two: Scan data

It will scan automatically after you click the “Messages” icon, the duration depends on the amount of your data so it might take your some time, please wait patiently.
Mode one interface
Step three: Get back data

After the scan completes, a list of iMessages will show up on your program interface. Now you can recover them, choose the items you want to back up and click the “Recover to PC”.
How to restore deleted iMessages from iPhone without a backup?
2 votes, 4.00 avg. rating (74% score)

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