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How to restore iPhone from iTunes backup easily? How to get data back from iTunes backup efficiently? How to extract documents from iPhone backup effortlessly?

How to restore iPhone from iTunes backup easily?
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I accidentally deleted a note from my notes app on my iPhone X, how do I retrieve it from my iTunes backup? I don’t want to restore the full backup. Please help with this one! Thanks in advance!

 Just imagine if you have unexpectedly deleted some important data like photos in your iPhone X. What are you going to do? Some users may be as restless as ants on a hot pan, because it is sort of difficult to find a good way to restore iPhone. Why? You know, there are a large number of recovery tools in various websites. If you try them one by one, it would be definitely time-consuming. And then the worst situation would be that you have tried, but you still fail to get your lost data back. Therefore, you certainly need iFonebox, the best iOS backup extractor.

iFonebox is a powerful and reliable recovery program for iOS fans. It is adept at restoring iPhone from iTunes backup in a few minutes. It enables you to recover data like contacts, notes, text messages, photos, calendars, notes, call records, voice memos, safari bookmarks, WeChat data, WhatsApp data, etc. With the help of iFonebox, you can get data back from iTunes backup efficiently.

Let’s take a brief look at its main features:

It is one of the best software available and fully compatible with both Windows and Mac systems. It’s necessary for you to download the suitable version for your computer. Next we will show you the detailed instructions to help you extract documents from iPhone backup effortlessly.

Step one: Launch iFonebox

Click Recover from iTunes Backup File, you’ll see all backups you have listed in the interface, choose the right backup, then click "Select" button to begin.
Recover from itunes backup
Step two: Scan data

Take notes for example, it will scan automatically after you click the “Notes” icon, it might take your some time, please wait patiently.
iTunes 2
Step three: Recover data

Now you can recover the data you want from backup. Choose the items you want to restore and click the “Recover to pc”.
How to restore iPhone from iTunes backup easily?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)

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