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How to restore lost photos after update to iOS 9.1? Read this article here and you will get the cure to get back your iPhone or iPad lost photos when updated to iOS 9.1.

How to restore lost photos after update to iOS 9.1?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)
restore lost photos after update to iOS 9.1
After updated to iOS 9.1, all data are in my iPhone, except my photos. I don't know what I did wrong. I just need my photos back. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. I just have an iTunes backup before update, for I updated my iPhone to iOS 9.1 via iTunes. Can I get back my lost photos? 

It is pretty ordinary when updated to iOS 9.1, data like notes, messages, photos are just gone from iPhone or iPad. Sometimes, accidents always happen when you are unaware. So, the question here is, how to restore lost photos after update to iOS 9.1? One of the lucky thing for this user is that he got an iTunes backup before update to iOS 9.1. So, we will offer a method to help him restore lost photos from iTunes backup with iFonebox.

You may raise the question that why should choose iFonebox since you can directly restore from iTunes backup. Here are my points. Compared with restoring from iTunes, you can preview your lost photos from iTunes backup with iFonebox, which you cannot do it with iTunes. Also, you can select those photos you need to transfer, not the whole backup. One more thing, to use iFonebox to restore photos from iTunes backup will not erase the existing data on your iPhone, while directly restoring from iTunes backup will wipe the existing data on your iDevice. That's why you need iFonebox.

Free download and install iFonebox. It is supportive to both Windows and Mac users. Just choose one to install according to your computer model.

How to restore lost photos after update to iOS 9.1? 

After installations of iFonebox, you can refer to the simple steps as following. Here, I will take iFonebox for Windows as example.

--Run iFonebox. Choose Recover from iTunes Backup mode. iFonebox will detect the iTunes backup files on your computer, so just pick out one which containing your lost photos to start scanning. Click "Select" button to begin. iTunes

--Scan photos from selected iTunes backup. Click on Photos item to start the scanning process. step two

--Preview and select lost photos to restore. After automatic scanning, now you have chance to choose those lost photos you need, and then, click "Recover to PC" to restore photos you need.
  • If you want to transfer restored photos from computer to your iPhone, read this article: Tips to transfer photos from computer back to iPhone for free
  • If you have an iCloud backup for your lost photos, you can also choose Recover from iCloud Backup mode in the first step. What is different is that you have to sign in with your Apple ID and password.
  • If you have other data like contacts, messages, calendars, reminders, whatsapp, lost, iFonebox can also help you, for it is a professional iOS data recovery software which can not only recover deleted data from your iPhone, but extract and restore lost data from your iTunes or iCloud backup selectively.
How to restore lost photos after update to iOS 9.1?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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