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How to restore mistakenly deleted notes if no backup? How to retrieve accidently deleted notes if no backup? How to regain unintentionally deleted notes without backup?

How to restore mistakenly deleted notes if no backup?
3 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (91% score)
retrieve accidently deleted notes if no backup
This is one of iPhone users’ predicament from Apple community recently:

Last time I went to a very important meeting, I brought my mom's phone to record the meeting. This is because if someone called me, the record on my own phone would stop. I gave the phone back to her. After a big while, she somehow accidentally deleted the recorded file because she could not understand. I have tried every possible way on Google to find a way to recover them but didn’t worked, Could anyone help me get my notes back? Thanks in advance.

In addition to accidently delete data above, have you experience these kinds of dilemma before:
Actually, this is the easiest way to restore mistakenly deleted notes if no backup. By using iFonebox to recover your disappeared contacts, messages, photos and total 17 kinds of data in various scenarios.

Why choose iFonebox to retrieve accidently deleted notes if no backup?
  •   Three extraordinary working modes
  •   Compatible with a large range of devices and iOS system
  •   Selectively data recovery without restoring your whole backup
  •   Support data preview before extracting data from Backup or device 
  •   Intuitive user interface and well organized
  •   100% secure and protect your privacy definitely

To maximize the possibility that regain unintentionally deleted notes without backup, you’re supposed to stop using your device or set it to airplane mode once you found your data get lost. This is because missing data were easily overwritten by the new ones randomly.

iFonebox works exceptionally well on almost all iOS devices, and there are two versions accessible for your computer: Mac version and Windows version. The operation interface is intelligent, the following is the step-by-step guide on mode Recover from iOS device. Moreover, here’s the preparations you need to make in advance:
  •   An affected device.
  •   One USB cable, an include accessory would be better.
  •   One computer, a frequently-used would be better.
  •   iFonebox. You can download here by clicking the specific icon below:

Step One: Launch iFonebox

Connect your iPhone to iFonebox with included USB cable after you turn on the program, choose Recover from iOS Device at the upper-left of the interface. Then, click Next to continue.
Recover from ios device
Step Two: Scan data

It will start to scan and analyze the data after you click on the Notes icon, the duration depends on the amount of the data, please wait in this stage patiently.
Step Three: View and Recover

Finally, you can view your notes after the scanning, transfer them to your computer before going to the repair shop.
How to restore mistakenly deleted notes if no backup?
3 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (91% score)

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