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Lost your WhatsApp messages after you have updated to the latest iOS 8.4. You can recover the lost WhatsApp messages from your iOS 8.4 iPhone or iPad selectively from iFonebox.

Lost WhatsApp messages after iOS 8.4 updating? Recover selecctively with iFonbox!
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)

Recover selecctively with iFonbox As the most popular instant messaging app, WhatsApp boasts a huge number of registered users. Chances are you keep in touch with your friends more frequently with WhatsApp than what you do with iMessage or any other instant messenger apps. You choose to update to the latest iOS 8.4 for better WhatsApp experience only to be frustrated by the fact that whatsapp messages on you iPhone or your iPad may disappear with no good reason even with the most current version of iOS 8.4.

If you are not sure when the WhatsApp messages loss happened, you are not supposed to restore your iOS 8.4 iPhone or iPad to retrieve your lost WhatsApp messages. Because this will cause data overriding and wiping out all the data added between when you lose your whatsapp messages and when to restore from iTunes backup file. Chances are, you don’t even have an iTunes backup file, because you are too excited about the new version of iOS that you haven’t got time to create one.

Fortunately, there is solution that you can recover the lost whatsapp messages selectively from iOS 8.4 iPhone or iPad with a magic application named iFonebox. As specialized iOS data recovery software, iFonebox can recover lost contacts, notes, messages, calendar, and whatsapp etc directly from iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to your computer for convenient checking or record keeping. What’s more, iFonebox is available for both Windows and Mac OS customers. You can recover your lost data with iFonebox on both Windows PC and Macbook or iMac. Please choose the right version according what kind of operating system you are using.

You can download a free trial version to have a try at the beginning before you decide to pay for the registered version.

Now let’s dive into the detailed steps about how to selectively recover the lost iOS 8.4 iPhone or iPad.

Step 1: Plug in your iPhone or iPad to your computer and then run the full version of iFonebox after you finish the installation. Click the button of “Start” when you iOS 8.4 device is recognized by iFonebox. In this way, you have selected the recovery mode of “Recover from iOS Device”. mode one

Step 2: Choose WhatsApp to recover on the interface listing all the supported data types simply by clicking on the icon of WhatsApp. step two

Step 3: Preview the exported WhatsApp messages and then recover to your computer. If you want to recover the lost or deleted WhatsApp messages only, please check “Only display the deleted items.” Or you can select whatever you want to recover from the items list. recover_lost_whatsapp_ios8.4_recover
Lost WhatsApp messages after iOS 8.4 updating? Recover selecctively with iFonbox!
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)

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