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Transferring Voice Memo from iPhone to computer can not only save storage space for your iPhone but also safeguard your voice memos as you can transfer all your voice memos on your computer for backup.

How to transfer Voice Memo kept on your iPhone to Windows Computer for backup
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transfer Voice Memo kept on your iPhone to Windows Computer for backup
Voice Memo is preinstalled application on iPhone and it is of great help in our daily life and work. You can imagine how convenient it would be to have voice recorder in your pocket when you are attending a lecture or conducting an interview or you just want to leave yourself a quick reminder about something. The problem is that Voice Memos always take a lot of storage space. So transferring all or part of the Voice Memos from your iPhone to your computer would be a great choice, for it saves your iPhone storage space and at the same time safeguard your Voice Memos as you will have additional backup on your computer.

Then the following problem is how to transfer Voice Memos from iPhone to your computer for backup or record keeping. You need some third party software to export the Voice Memos from your iPhone and then transfer the Voice Memo from to computer. iFonebox is what I am going to suggest, for it can selectively extract Voice Memos directly from the iPhone.

You can download the trial version to have a try before getting started but you need to pay for the registered version if you want to successfully transfer Voice Memos from iPhone to computer.

Now I am going to demonstrate you how to transfer Voice Memos from iPhone to your computer.

Step 1: Launch iFonebox and Plug In Your iPhone

Install and launch the full version of iFonebox (Windows Version) and then plug in your iPhone to your computer. Click “Start” after your iPhone is recognized by iFonebox. In this way, you choose the recovery mode of “Recover from iOS Devices” mode one

Step 2: Choose Voice Memo
Choose the Voice Memo among the data types (which iFonebox supports to recover) by clicking on the icon of Voice Memo. step two

Step 3: Preview And Recover

iFonebox will extract all the Voice Memos kept on your iPhone including the deleted or lost ones, so you can take time to make decision about what you want to transfer to your computer. And finally hit the button of “Recover to Devices” to transfer the selected Voice Memo to your computer. voicememo_recover
How to transfer Voice Memo kept on your iPhone to Windows Computer for backup
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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