Hello, everyone! Hope you are fine and enjoy iFonebox well. Since the release of iFonebox, it has serviced many users and help them find their lost data. We have been listening humbly to our customer's advice to solve iFonebox problems and fix bugs so as to make iFonebox better and better.
Recently, some customers report some iFonebox security problem to us, below I attached three e-mails that one of the customers sent to me about the virus protection problem of iFonebox:
“My virus protection will not allow installation of your program due to infection with Gen Variant.Fakeav.44 as the program in unpacked for installation, as downloaded from your web site as a trial version on 10/23/2014. This appears to be a serious and legitimate infection requiring correction and reporting to the U.S. internet crime complaint center. If for some reason this is being mis-interpreted by the virus protection program, be aware that this issue will likely seriously affect consumer confidence and product sales. My anti-virus protection will not allow your software to operate on my system. I currently trust it more than your product.”
“I have flushed all files and performed two full scan since the incident, so I don’t have any printed copies, but I will give you my best recollections:
I can tell you that I was using Bitdefender. On initial installation the program presented a message indicating that it could not be moved...I presumed that this was an issue with privileges. I reluctantly granted admin privileges to the installer and was able to install the program. I was able to run the program at that point. I either re-enabled Bitdefender active protection immediately before or after running your program for the first time...shortly thereafter, Bitdefender flagged an infection -- I believe it was a .tmp file in the Auntec\Fonebox\ folder: is-6HA3D.tmp.. The virus identification was Gen vairant.fakeav.44. The actions taken by the real-time virus protection disabled the iFonebox executable. So even allowing admin privileges during the install is insufficient...Bitdefender identifies the installed program (or some temporary file generated during the install) as viral. So even if this is not an infection, having Bitdefender identify it as one renders the software unusable. I did do a scan following the incident on the download installation file, and prior to unpacking, Bitdefender did not raise any concerns. I also repeated the process a second time with a download installation file that Bitdefender scanned as clean, with the same result.”
“Bitdefender would permanently disable your software every time it was turned back on. This would leave me in the position of having to reinstall your software every time I used it, and leave Bitdefender off while I was using your software. I believe this would leave my computer at an unacceptable level of risk to other virus sources, as I usually have multiple programs and transactions going at a time.”
Today, I also received another customer said that iFonebox can not allow to be installed by his part of internet provider, Rogers.
As the problem did not occurred at our side when we test it so we could not locate the problem was caused after we uploading it to website or its the bug of our software zip pack. So, here we call all iFonebox users who meet the virus security problem to contact us and help us locate the problem to solve the problem as soon as possible.
PS: iFonebox is 100% safe. Pleaes be reassred to buy and download.
iFonebox will be your best iPhone data guard forever.