There are only a couple of weeks away from Mother’s Day 2015, so what is your plan about how to celebrate this sacred day with your Mother? I believe the best gift for Mom is to help her enjoy life without unnecessary worries. Have you ever heard about your Mother complaining about losing important data on her iPhone, such as the Contacts, Notes, Calendars, Reminders, Photos, Photos, Voice Memos and Messages etc? Seeing your Mom being driven mad by the frustration of having no idea at all about how to recover the lost data may be the least thing in the world, and the only thing you want to do is to find some solution to help your dear Mother out.
Coincidently, AunTec is offering special offer for people who have the same trouble of losing data on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and don’t know how to recover them at all. That is iFonebox which is professional iOS data revovery software and currently can recover Contacs, Notes, Calendars, Reminders, Messages, Photos, Safari Bookmarks, and Voice Memos etc from not only iOS devices but also from iTunes/iCloud backup file. So this topnotch application presently by AunTec is a great choice as a gift for your Mother because it does helps a lot in recovering as well as extracting iOS devices data for both transferring and backing up to computer. Please remember that iFonebox can transfer Contacts and Notes back to iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch directly.
Why, you may wonder,it is necessary to have this iFonebox, since Apple offers iTunes as a solution to back up iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. If there is data loss you can restore your device with iTunes backup file. Definitely, iTunes does excellent job in not only organizing your medial files but also backing up and restoring your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch. The problem is that iTunes is not able to access you certain data, or in other words, you cannot back up or restore part of the backup file. The only way is to restore the entire backup file to your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. If you didn’t realize the data loss at the first time and you continue to use the iPhone and new data will be generated. The subsequently generated data will be overwritten and erased forever if you choose to restore your iPhone from a relatively older iTunes backup file. And there is simply no way to find the erased data back. Worse still, if the iTunes backup file is corrupted for no good reason, there is no way to recover from iTunes. You can check the guide and learn more about how to restore your iOS device from iTunes backup file.
Finally, we are going to talk about iCloud back up. iCloud provides its users with means to store data such as documents, photos, and music on remote servers for download to iOS, Macintosh or Windows devices, to share and send data to other users, and to manage their Apple devices if lost or stolen. And what’ more provides the means to wirelessly back up iOS devices directly to iCloud or the other way round, restore iOS devices wirelessly from iCloud. However, iCloud backing up has the same defect as the iTunes backing up does and is not able to access part of the backup file. And iCloud offers only 5GB free storage space, if you want more space you need to pay to upgrade your storage plan. Please check out the guide and learn about how to restore lost data from iCloud backup .