iOS 10.2.1 Has Been Released To Fix Some Bugs
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Apple has released iOS 10.2.1 officially to the public so as to fix some bugs and improve iOS system. Now you can update your iPhone or iPad to the newest iOS system via OTA.  It can also be downloaded and installed on iOS devices using iTunes on a Mac or PC.  The update is still rolling out and may not be immediately available on all devices.

According to MacRumors, no outward-facing changes or new features were discovered during the beta testing process, suggesting the update focuses on bug fixes and performance improvements. According to Apple's own release notes for iOS 10.2.1, the update brings unspecified bug fixes and security improvements.

The iOS 10.2.1 update will soon be followed by a new iOS 10.3 beta, if rumors are correct. The first iOS 10.3 beta, with a new "Theatre Mode" was rumored to be coming out on January 10, but has not yet appeared.

Notes: when update to iOS 10.2.1 and you accidentally lose important data from iOS device, don't be panic, let iFonebox help you retrieve lost data due to iOS 10.2.1 update.
iOS 10.2.1 Has Been Released To Fix Some Bugs
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)