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How to fix the iPhone data loss problem caused by iOS 13 beta 1?How to solve the iPhone data loss issue caused by iOS 13 beta 1?How to figure out a way to recover data after you update iPhone to iOS 13 beta 1?

iOS 13 beta 1 caused iPhone data loss! How to fix?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)
About 3 days ago I had iOS 13 beta 1 on my phone. Then something went wrong. Some WeChat messages disappeared from my iPhone XS! I contacted apple support. They told me that they did not know anything about the iOS 13 beta so that I should reinstall back to the latest iOS 12.
What should I do to restore my lost data? I am confused.

iOS 13 brings improvements across the entire system that make your iPhone even faster and more delightful to use. Plenty of iOS users rushed to update their devices to iOS beta 1 which caused the data loss. However, Apple offers no support for it since it’s in testing phase and as such Apple support directly would not be able to help you nor know anything about it. You agree to this when installing the Beta. How to fix the iPhone data loss problem caused by iOS 13 beta 1? iFonebox can certainly do you a great favour.

We highly recommend you with iFonebox designed for both Mac and Windows users. iFonebox is a professional iOS data recovery tool that help you regain up to 17 types of data such as contacts, texts, safari history, call records, reminders, events in calendar, photos, videos, voice memos, WeChat data, WhatsApp data, etc. The following are some of its highly useful features:

It has two available versions: Windows version and Mac version, please make sure to download and install the correct version for your computer. Then you can follow the next steps to recover data after you update iPhone to iOS 13 beta 1.

Step one: Launch iFonebox

Connect your iPhone to computer, in this interface, you'll see “Next” in blue area, click it to continue. It’s necessary to enable the flight mode and keep the USB cable connected stable during the progress.
Recover from ios device
Step two: Scan data

Take WeChat messages for example, it will scan automatically after you click the “WeChat Messages” icon, the duration depends on the amount of your data so it might take your some time, please wait patiently.
Mode one interface
Step three: Get back data

After the scan completes, a list of WeChat messages will show up on your program interface. Just choose the items you want and click the “Recover to pc”.
iOS 13 beta 1 caused iPhone data loss! How to fix?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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