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How to transfer text messages to computer from old iPhone 4s? How to download text messages to computer from old iPhone 4s? How to export text messages to computer from old iPhone 4s?

Is there a way I can transfer text messages to computer from my old iPhone 4s?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)
download text messages to computer from old iphone 4s
Is there a way I can transfer text messages from my old iPhone 4s? The messages were not deleted I just don't want the phone anymore but I need those messages. Kindly provide me with steps to make it possible.

Do you need help transferring text messages to computer from an old iPhone 4s? It would be an extremely simple task if you turn to a third party program for help actually. However, a wrong choice in terms of data recovery program can risk all our data for permanent loss, that’s why it is necessary to use a professional and reliable tool like iFonebox.

What is iFonebox?
One multi-functional software whose abilities contain recover, transfer, back up and preview as many sixteen kinds of data in various scenarios.

Main features of iFonebox

Additional features:
  1. Superior in recovering deleted or lost data from device or backup in various situations. Assume that your iPhone was stolen by accident, there still a chance to get missing data back from an available backup
  2. iFonebox makes it possible that selectively retrieve data from iTunes or iCloud backup. In other words, you don’t have to restore a whole backup only for several photos, call logs or contact person.
  3. Aside from exporting text messages to computer from old iPhone 4s, you can also trust iFonebox to keep your valuable data in a safe way. Back up your device regularly without worrying about any kind of data loss.

  • An affected device.
  • One USB cable, an include accessory would be better.
  • One computer, a frequently-used would be better.
  • iFonebox. You can download here by clicking the specific icon below:

How does iFonebox work?

Step One: Launch the program Click on the program to initialize its launching process, then keep it connected with your iPhone over included USB cable, it will continue to next stage after you click the Next.
Recover from ios device
Step Two: Start to scan It will start to analyze the data after you click on the Messages icon, wait patiently until the rotating circle ends and the scanning duration depends on the amount of your data.  
Step Three: Recover missing messages After the scanning completes, you’re able to view the messages both existing on your device and deleted before, tick the boxes next to the messages you want and transfer them to your iPhone directly.
Is there a way I can transfer text messages to computer from my old iPhone 4s?
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)

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