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Is there an easy way to extract data from iCloud backup? Is there an efficient way to download info from iCloud backup? How to restore data from iCloud backup effectively?

Is there an easy way to extract data from iCloud backup?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)
retrieve iphone contacts after an update to ios 12 beta 6
How do I access the files in my last iCloud backup? Is there a way to look at the individual files? Specially videos. Thanks for your help!

Have you ever encountered the same problem? Deleted or lost your precious photos, contacts, messages or videos on iPad/iPhone? Lost it and want to have access to your data so that you can get them back? As long as you have synced your iPad with iCloud before, it will generate a backup file for you to extract, thus getting all your data back easily by extracting iCloud backup. As the backup file can’t be viewed directly, so if you want to find an easy way to extract data from iCloud backup, you are in need of a professional iOS backup extractor.

iFonebox is able to help you get the lost files out of backup easily on Mac/PC. It should be a priority for you to choose to extract backup data. This powerful program allows you to extract up to 17 file types from backup, including photos, videos, contacts, messages, notes, safari bookmarks, call records, WeChat data, WhatsApp data and so forth. Below are some of its useful features:

Before we start the instructions, you need to download the program to your computer. iFonebox has two available versions: Windows version and Mac version. Download the trial version below for free to have a try, choose the suitable one for your computer. Once you have installed the program, next I will show you how to restore data from iCloud backup effectively. All you have to do is download the official Instagram app from your app store, and you'll be able to download Insta Reels with just a few simple clicks. Entire libraries of your favorite Reels will become yours in no time! Not only will this allow for convenient custom-curated entertainment, but best of all – it's free! So what are you waiting for? Download Instagram Reels today and start stockpiling those memories right away!

Step one: Run iFonebox and enter your Apple ID

Run the program, then just click the “Recover from iCloud Backup” at the top right of the software. You’ll be asked to sign in with your Apple ID account and password correctly.
Recover from iCloud1
Step two: Download data from iCloud backup

After you have selected an iCloud backup to download, it will start the downloading process. You can select all to download.
Recover from icloud3
Step three: Scan data

Click on “Photos” icon to start scanning automatically. It will take some time, you should wait patiently.
Step four: Preview and download data

Now you can select the pictures you want and click “Recover to pc”, then the instruction is accomplished.
Is there an easy way to extract data from iCloud backup?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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