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How to login with the second purchase registration code in iFonebox? How to re-login iFonebox with the new registration code? Here are tips to help you work out.

How to login with the second purchase registration code in iFonebox?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)
second purchase registration code
“I purchased a ifonebox on March 24, and it works very well! Thank you for that. But today I wanna find information of another device, it says my devices have exceeded the limit of 3. Therefore I bought another license and got a new registration code just now. However when I open the ifonebox, there is no place to enter new registration code, even when I delete and reinstall my ifonebox, it still doesn't work. Could you help me how can I check my 4th device? Thank you.”

This is a customer asks for help about login the second registration code on the previous one. I believe other purchased customers have met the same problem as well. As the official web claim that iFonebox could scan 3 iDevices on one computer. So if you need to scan the forth device with iFonebox, you have to purchase another license to use it normally.

However, the problem about how to login with the second purchase registration code on the same product is coming. It seems that there is no place to enter the new registration code in the interface of iFonebox, which really makes iFonebox users annoyed. Actually, things don't go like that.  Next, I will show you the detailed steps to accomplish this process. Please keep reading with the following steps.

Make sure you have downloaded and installed iFonebox on your computer firstly. Two versions are accessible: Windows version and Mac version.

Three steps to login with the second purchase registration code

1. Open iFonebox, find “Help” option in the interface, then click “Register” to continue the process.
2. Click “Register again” button. In this step, you could preview the previous code in the column.
3. Input your second registration code in the space, then click “Register” to end the whole process.
That's all. Have you succeeded in entering iFonebox with the second purchase registration code?
How to login with the second purchase registration code in iFonebox?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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