Record video comment about iFonebox to win software
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Auntec is now launching a campaign of recording a video review about how iFonebox had helped you recover your lost data and win free video converting software.

This campaign is aimed at collecting customers feedback to better understanding how iFonebox has been used and what kind of data recovery problems people may ran into. So that we can improve this specialized iOS data recovery tool and optimize customer experience.

We would like to invite you to join us to record a self timer video to tell us or demonstrate us how iFonebox recovered your accidentally lost or carelessly deleted data such as contacts, notes, messages, call history, reminders, calendars, voice memos, Whatsapp messages and messages attachments etc. We would also like to learn which recovery mode you have chosen among the three kinds of recovery modes including “Recover from iDevice”, “Recover from iTunes Backup”, and “Recover from iCloud Backup”.

Customers who send us the self timer video will get video converting software for free. You can choose a piece of video converting software as you need or like from what we will offer.

So please hurry up to join us to share your iFonebox experience with us and win the video converting software to play videos of various formats freely.
Record video comment about iFonebox to win software
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