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With iFonebox, lost Voice Memos owing to IOS8.2 update can be recovered.

How to recover lost Voice Memos during the process of updating to iOS 8.2?
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recover lost Voice Memos during the process of updating to iOS 8.2
Voice Memo plays a significant role in our daily life. Different from the Notes or Reminders, you don’t need to fumble around with keyboard whenever or wherever you want to get down an idea. Every time you brainstorm with your partners and there is no time or no way to put it down and form document, you can just turn to the Voice Memo for Help. So all your great conception and plans can be recorded and saved with ease. Every time you were doing market/social research and want to take down things and people you come across, you can just record it with your Voice Memo and then form report or essay later.

As you can see, voice memo weighs a lot for people who live on by working out innovation based on instant information. So it is terribly important to keep the Voice Memo safe. But what should we do if we lost the Voice Memo with no good reason. Some people just lose the Voice Memo during the process of updating to iOS 8.2.

Fortunately, there is a powerful application, iFonebox, to help you recover your lost Voice Memos, provided that you have backed up your iPhone, iPad or iPod to iTunes/iCould.

Note: Never try to sync your iPhone, iPod or iPod Touch to iTunes after the data loss, or the data on the iTunes will be overwrite if you ever uses the iPhone, and the lost data would be gone forever.

Here are the steps of recovering lost iPhone/iPad/iPod Voice Memos.

Step 1: Launch the iFonebox and choose Recovery Mode

Install and start the full version of the iFonebox. Click “Recover from iTunes Backup”and then the software will ask you to choose the backup you want to recover. Once you made the backup in the computer that iFonebox installed, all the backup will be displayed in the interface. Click the button of “Select”to choose a backup file. iTunes

If you cannot find the backup file you want or the backup file does not show, you can click the button of "Select More" to locate your backup files from other locations.
Step 2: Choose “Voice Memos”

The interface below will show you all the information types that can be recovered, click on the icon of Voice Memos to preview.
step two
Step 3: Scan and Recover

Then all the Voice Memos will be listed on the interface below. You can check whatever you want to recover. voicememo_recover
How to recover lost Voice Memos during the process of updating to iOS 8.2?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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