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Have stored some Notes in iTunes and want to restore these iTunes notes back to your iPhone/iPad for previewing anywhere and anytime. Read below article and you will find the fast and easy way to make it possible.

Get iTunes Notes directly back to your iPhone/iPad
4 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (92% score)
Get iTunes Notes directly back to your iPhone/iPad
“I recently use iFonebox to restore notes from an itunes backup, one of my users accidentally deleted the notes from her phone. It worked great and which is a nice product for me.”

Did you inadvertently deleted some important notes in your iPhone and thanks to God that you luckily have the backup in iTunes like the above customer? Did you want to transfer iTunes notes back to your device? Did you want to recover iTunes notes to your device for preview without any limitation? If so, iFonebox could meet all your demands.

In the latest iFonebox version, our software could support to restore and transfer recovered iTunes Notes directly back to your iOS device. This function will solve the limitation of only recovering notes to your computer. Now, let experience how to restore iTunes Notes back to device together.

Free download the trail version to check whether iFonebox retrieve the notes you need and if you want to make the transmission come true, you need the full version to help you. Below we will take the windows version as an example.

How to Restore and Transfer iTunes Notes back to iPhone/iPad

Step1 Choose Recover Mode

After install iFonebox on your computer, launch the software and it will ask you choose the recovery mode. You could connect your device to computer at the beginning or you could do it when the scanning is finished. Then choose “Recover from iTunes Backup”.
Step 2 Select iTunes Backup

Then the program will display all the iTunes backup in your computer, you could also select the backup files from other folder. Just select the one you need and click “Start Scan” to analysis the backup file. If there are large database in your iTunes backup, it will take more time to finish the scanning, just wait patiently.
step two
Step 3 Preview and Transfer iTunes Notes

When the scanning is finished, click “Notes”on the category and preview all the notes from your iTunes backup. Then just pick out the notes you need and click “Transfer all selected to device”, a few seconds later, these selected notes will be restored back to your device automatically. ifonebox-notes-data -
Get iTunes Notes directly back to your iPhone/iPad
4 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (92% score)

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