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How to retrieve lost text messages on iPhone 7 after update to iOS 10.3? How to recover lost text messages on iPhone 7 after iOS 10.3 update? How to regain missing text messages from iPhone 7 after update to iOS 10.3?

Retrieve lost text messages on iPhone 7 after update to iOS 10.3
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)
recover lost text messages on iPhone 7 after update to iOS 10.3
I upgraded my iPhone 7 to iOS 10.3 last night and lose my text messages unexpectedly. I was wondering if anyone has ever successfully recovered missing text messages before and how they did it, I am looking to retrieve for business purpose. Also, I have seen many posts about recovery software, however, has anyone successfully used any of these types of software, are they safe and effective?

Only when data loss happens to us, then we realize that recovering your missing data is a very tedious and complicated work, and a wrong choice in terms of data recovery program can risk all our data for permanent loss, unless you turn to iFonebox for help.

What is iFonebox?

iFonebox is a professional and trustworthy iPhone data recovery software, which is specially designed for users to recover them deleted or missing data.

Why do we choose iFonebox?
  • With iFonebox, no matter how you lost the data on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, there’re three unique working modes for you to retrieve up to sixteen kinds of data.
  • You’re able to retrieve lost text messages on iPhone 7 after update to iOS 10.3, even though you haven’t created any backup before.
  • If there’re available backup for you, it is definitely possible to selectively restore lost text messages from iCloud or iTunes backup.
  • What’s more, iFonebox is also an extraordinary transferring tool for you to download text messages from iPhone to computer, or other text or media data.

Dose iFonebox safe?

You can totally trust iFonebox and make a right option for your significant information, the application itself is able to detect and extract data in a reliable and safe way. Besides, to protect your privacy, once you close the program, all scanned data will disappear and you have to download and scan again the next time you start the program.

How does iFonebox work?

The interface of iFonebox is intuitive and easy to understand. Next, I am going to illustrate the instructions for you step by step.

Step One: Launch the program

Click on the program to initialize its launching process, then keep it connected with your iPhone over included USB cable, it will continue to next stage after you click the Start.
Step Two: Start to scan

It will start to analyze the data after you click on the Messages icon, wait patiently until the rotating circle ends and the scanning duration depends on the amount of your data.
step two
Step Three: Recover missing messages

After the scanning completes, you’re able to view the messages both existing on your device and deleted before, tick the boxes next to the messages you want and restore them to your iPhone directly.
Tips before updating in case of data loss.
  1. Extremely important to back up your iOS device before an update.
  2. Check your power and capacity of your device is also a necessary work.
  3. Update your device in a stable and favorable network environment, and upgrade with iTunes if necessary.
  4. Recover your missing data with iFonebox immediately once you lose your important information in case that they were overwritten by the new ones randomly.
Retrieve lost text messages on iPhone 7 after update to iOS 10.3
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)

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