The first iOS 9.2 beta has been seeded to the developers
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Just a week after iOS 9.1 was officially released, Apple just seeded the first iOS 9.2 beta to the public developers for testing purposes. The iOS 9.2 beta is available for download immediately from the Apple Developer Center, and it's likely a public beta will be available in the near future.

When iOS 9.1 was released, it added some new emoji and several under-the-hood fixes for issues, so this time, what about iOS 9.2? Are there some new features in iOS 9.2? Definitely there are, but at present, we juts cannot make sure those new features in iOS 9.2 beta 1.

According to the release notes the Safari view window that pops up in some apps will now support third-party Action Extensions. Any Action Extension that works in Safari will also work in SFSafariViewController, allowing it to behave more like the traditional Safari app, according to MacRumors.
Long tapping on the Reload button in the Safari View Controller in a Safari window within an app will also offer options to reload content without content blockers and request desktop site. These options have long existed in the actual Safari app, but are new to the Safari browser used within apps.

So if you have new issues when using iOS 9.1, don't worry. Maybe in iOS 9.2, all these issues will be fixed.
The first iOS 9.2 beta has been seeded to the developers
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