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How to transfer photos from computer back to your iPhone? Here are several tips for you to transfer computer photos to iPhone for free.

Tips to transfer photos from computer back to iPhone for free
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transfer photos from computer back to iPhone
How to transfer photos from computer (Windows and Mac) to iPhone or iPad? Is there any way to do that for free? Of course, here, I have some tips for you to transfer photos from computer to your iPhone for free.

Apple optimizes its cloud storage service iCloud to make sure that the photos you take on your iPhone are readily available on both your computer and iPad. So you can use iCloud to transfer those photos from your computer to iPhone as well. Plus, as you may have known that iTunes is also another option to sync photos from computer to iPhone. Next, I will show you how to upload photos from computer to iPhone with iCloud and iTunes.

Transfer photos from computer to iPhone with iCloud for free

Navigate to To transfer photos from your PC to your iPhone, the first thing you need to do is access the iCloud website from your browser. Simply open your browser, head to and sign in with your Apple ID.

Access your Photo Library. Once you’ve logged in to the iCloud website, click the Photos icon on the top row of apps. It’s worth noting that loading times may vary depending on the size of the library, with larger libraries taking upwards of 10 seconds to display. Also, if this is the first time you’ve accessed your Photo library from a browser, you’ll have to go through a first time setup.

Select photos to add to your photo library and iPhone. Once you’ve opened the Photos app and accessed your Photos library, there should be an “Upload” icon in the upper right hand corner of the page. Click this, and browse your PC for the photos you want to add to your iPhone. If you want to select multiple files at once, hold Ctrl and click each photo.

Upload your photos. Once you’ve selected the photos you want to add to your iPhone, click Open/Choose and they’ll be uploaded to your iCloud Photo Library. If you look at the bottom of the page, you’ll see a progress bar – the process is usually pretty quick, but this can depend on the amount of photos you want to add.

Now, you have transferred photos you need from computer to iCloud. Next, you can turn on Settings on your iPhone, then tab iCloud and turn on Photos in it. Then all photos will be on your iPhone.

Transfer photos from computer back to iPhone via iTunes for free 

Another choice for you to upload photos from computer to iPhone is via iTunes. Please make sure you have installed the latest version of iTunes, then follow next simple steps:

Launch iTunes. Please connect your iPhone to the computer. iTunes will detect your iDevice and then, click Device tab, you will enter the main interface page of your iPhone.

Choose Photos in the left side. After click on Photos tab, you will see "Sync photos" tab and just tick off it, and you will able to choose photos from your computer. Compared with iCloud, you cannot choose photos one by one, so before that, you have to put all photos you need in an empty folder and then, choose the folder to sync. Just click Apply button in the right corner and all photos will be in your iPhone.

The above are my tips to transfer photos from your computer to iPhone or iPad.
Tips to transfer photos from computer back to iPhone for free
1 vote, 5.00 avg. rating (82% score)

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