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How to turn off Apple two step verification before using iFonebox to extract and restore lost data from iCloud backup? How to disable Apple two step authentication? Read here.

Turn off Apple two step verification before restore from iCloud backup in iFonebox
6 votes, 3.83 avg. rating (74% score)

Some people have the question: when using iFonebox to extract and restore lost data from iCloud backup, sometimes, it will ask you to turn off Apple two step verification. So here is the question: how to disable Apple two step authentication before restore lost data from iCloud backup via iFonebox? Here, I have found the detailed steps to help you turn off Apple two step verification.

Turn off Two Step Verification by following these instructions:

1. Go to My Apple ID (, select Manage your Apple ID, and then sign in.

2. Select the Password and Security tab and edit.

3. Click Turn off two-step verification.

4. Choose new security questions, verify your birth date, and provide a rescue email address (optional but recommended).

5. Click Save.

Note: Be sure to memorize your new security questions and answers. They will sometimes be required to verify your identity.

You will receive an email confirming that you've turned off two-step verification.
Turn off Apple two step verification before restore from iCloud backup in iFonebox
6 votes, 3.83 avg. rating (74% score)

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