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How recover deleted calendar events? How to undelete lost calendar events? How to get back deleted calendar events?

Urgent! How to recover deleted calendar events?
4 votes, 4.25 avg. rating (80% score)
 undelete lost calendar events
Is it possible to recover a calendar event that was deleted by accident? Please help! Wondering if there is any way to get them back? If so, how?

iFonebox reminds you of appointments and important events such as meetings, birthdays, anniversaries, and more, especially you are an absent-minded man or woman. Have you ever thought about how to recover deleted calendar events? It can’t be a challenge to get them back from an available backup. If not, don't worry, either. What you need is a professional iOS data recovery software named iFonebox.

There’re various recovery tools in this technical world, however, a wrong choice in terms of data recovery program can risk all our files for permanent loss. As a result, you have to choose the trustworthy program for you, and iFonebox is absolutely the optimum solution to undelete lost calendar events. Here’s the main features of iFonebox that you can’t miss:
  • Three extraordinary working modes
  • Compatible with a large range of devices and iOS system
  • Selectively data recovery without restoring your whole backup
  • Support data preview before extracting data from Backup or device  
  • Intuitive user interface and well organized
  • 100% secure and protect your privacy definitely

Furthermore, if you’ve backed up your device before, you have to restore the whole backup to get back deleted calendar events, which would erase all existing data on your device. With iFonebox, you can  retrieve only calendar events from an iTunes or iCloud backup. This is because it is able to detect right through your backup and extract only the target data after an exhaustive scan.

Undoubtedly, iFonebox is a professional multifunctional iPhone data recovery program which is incapable of handling a wide range of data loss in all kinds of scenarios, and you can access it from our official website or below:

Step one: Launch the Software

Run iFonebox after you download it on your computer, connect your device to iFonebox with USB cable, then, you’ll see a bold Next in the center of the interface, click it, so you can continue to next stage.
Recover from ios device
Step Two: Scan the data

It will start to scan after you click the Calendar icon, the more data existing, the longer time it will to take to scan, just please wait when you see a rotating circle.
Mode one interface
Step Three: View and restore

Finally, you’re able to check the missing calendar events you want to recover, select the checkbox and retrieve them to your PC.
Urgent! How to recover deleted calendar events?
4 votes, 4.25 avg. rating (80% score)

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