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Why deleted data can be recovered? If you have on idea the reason that deleted data can be recovered, follow this guide to find out data recovery principle with me.

Why deleted data can be recovered?
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reason that deleted data can be recovered
In this information explosion society, with the popularity of iOS device, data loss happens a lot than we thought. If you've ever managed to retrieve lost data, have you ever thought about that Why deleted data can be recovered? I think you can get the answer in this guide.

As we all know, if you turn to Apple Support for help for lost data on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, there is no better way but to restore the whole backup. What if you’ve never backed up before? Then Getting disappeared data from device is your only choice.

The reason that deleted data can be recovered.

Actually, there’re two kinds of deletion method. One is logical deletion, the other is physical deletion. For example, if we delete specific data manually, despite that we can’t find them any more, they are still exist on our phone, just hidden and marked by the label "deleted". As a result, there’s a great high possibility to get these deleted data back as long as you turn to iFonebox for help. Furthermore, stop using iPhone immediately once you found data is gone, this is because deleted data can be easily overwritten by the new random ones, and we can describe this situation as physical deletion. And that’s the data recovery principle we talk about.
data recovery principle
In conclusion, the most important part of data management is that keep them in a safe way. Using iTunes or iCloud to back up your valuable data regularly, just in case that they would lose in various scenarios, like accidental deletion, update failure or physical damage. Speaking of data backup or data recovery, you can realize both features by iFonebox, which is one professional ios data recover and transfer tool that you can’t miss.
Why deleted data can be recovered?
2 votes, 5.00 avg. rating (88% score)

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