Traditionally, every time Apple rolled out a new version of, it would be sure to bring about major new changes and debut crucial new features. When looked at that way, iOS 9 may seem like a disappointment. By the same token, iOS 9,without many major, sexy breakthroughs, seemingly is going to frustrate you. Is it true?
Though iOS 9 features aren't as flashy as some previous versions of the iOS, the under-the-hood changes and subtle improvements may end up improving your daily life an work experience surprisingly.
Let’s take a look at the features of going-to-be-released iOS 9 and to see whether it lives up to its name as a valuable update.
Better Security & Privacy
One of the biggest advantages of the iPhone over other smartphones is security. Apple has added features to iOS 9 that will prevent key, low-level and sensitive files in the iOS from being modified by practically anyone, raising the level of security of these files.
Transit Directions in Maps
In this version of the OS, Apple Maps finally gets support for mass transit directions and schedules, including subways and busses. Support won't be hugely widespread at launch—expect to only get directions in major cities like New York, London, Toronto, Berlin, Chicago, and Shanghai at first—but with time, more and more cities will be added, making Apple Maps even more useful.
Proactive Assistant
Proactive Assistant, one of iOS 9's major new features, aims to change that. The assistant learns how you use your iPhone and tries to predict your behavior and save you time. It delivers suggested apps, contacts, and businesses based on your location and Spotlight searches. We'll see if Proactive Assistant can give Google Now a run for its money, but it sounds like a major improvement over previous versions of Spotlight and Siri.
Low-Power Mode
Every iPhone user needs to squeeze as much life out of their phone's battery as possible. Apple is doing something much better in iOS 9 with its new low-power mode. When you turn this mode on, your iPhone's battery will extend its life by up to 3 hours. It stands to reason that this will happen due to the iPhone disabling some features and services, but if you're in a jam, that's a tradeoff worth making.
Source: Reasons you may like iOS 9